Rag Basket - May 18 - 10am-1pm

Rag Basket - May 18 - 10am-1pm


Make a beautiful hand woven cloth bowl or mat using nothing but your hands and a stick. This fun class includes all materials and quality instruction from Heidi Wineland!

Heidi Wineland is a folk artist who works with a variety of materials, including a number of fiber techniques. Her “Kitty Allen” brand soft stuffed dolls and monsters are sold in galleries and shops throughout the US. She has been working on a single 180+ piece project titled “Academy Award Action Figures” for nearly 30 years. These celebrity fashion miniatures have been featured in local and national media and 6 public exhibitions. In 2021 Heidi appeared in a segment of the tv show “WEDU Arts Plus”. Although she has been teaching folk art techniques through colleges, community organizations, libraries and summer programs for nearly 4 decades, she has recently started a later life career as an elementary art teacher. She currently lives in Lakeland, FL.

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